A Hands On Approach To Pain


You are unique.

Your body, your movement, your posture and habits, they are all unique and together, they form your movement patterns - and disorders.

You don’t have to befall a traumatic injury to suffer from joint pain. Daily movement patterns are more than enough to engrave an imbalanced pattern into your muscle memory.

Overuse of one muscle group, underuse of another muscle group, a little strain here, and little tension there, and before you know it, you’re relying on Tylenol or Advil almost daily to keep your pain in check.

There is a better way.

Take Back Your Health - Start Here With Osteo Pain Health Care

Osteopathy is the treatment of musculoskeletal imbalance in the body.

Everything is connected in the body.

Osteopathy respects that and supports it.

Osteopathy restores good body mechanics, allowing the body to heal and painful symptoms to subside.

Treatment most closely resembles chiropractic or physiotherapy treatment, however there are some important distinctions, and generally, the treatment timelines with osteopathic care are much shorter.

Is osteopathy right for me?

Osteopathy is:

  • Safe, gentle and effective
  • Pain free
  • Drug free
  • Non invasive and non surgical
  • Not contraindicated and will not interfere with any other medications or treatments

Osteopathy is safe for patients of all ages.

You do not need a referral from a specialist or from your family doctor.

We will provide a complete assessment of your musculoskeletal mechanics and create a treatment plan to target your primary pain points.

How many physical therapy appointments will I need?

Manipulative osteopathic therapy is very effective.

Most patients require 4-8 treatments, with relief induced after the very first appointment.  Treatment timeline will depend on age, severity of joint disorder, time since initial onset of pain or injury, and overall health.

After manual osteopathy, most people feel good and experience some pain relief and release in the area. Treatment can create some exertion on the body, even if you feel great, so we do recommend you take it easy after each treatment to let your body heal properly at the essential time.

Your first appointment will include:

  • Taking your general medical and case history
  • Discussing with you your experience of your injury
  • Joint and muscle palpation and manipulation and assessment
  • Treatment recommendation
  • Therapeutic exercise recommendations
  • Initial treatment

Each subsequent treatment appointment may consist of a combination of mobilization technique, muscle energy technique, soft tissue therapy, visceral technique and other osteopathic test and techniques.

We also incorporate shockwave therapy in our clinic, for certain patients. It all depends on your health and symptoms.